Welcome to The Theory of Theories
Welcome to The Theory of Theories Welcome to The Theory of Theories Welcome to The Theory of TheoriesThe theory is based on the following:
The theory is based on the following:
This website is for the theory that the Universe was created by God.
Lets begins with the new and then focus areas.
The start with the overview of the theory and then the sections of the start to the ending of the universe!!!
The Neutral Energy Field - The Ripple Effect for Producing Universe(s):
The Theory of Theories
Based on that there was something before our Universe existed and was started by a power {God lives in} and where heaven is located.
It is really simple if you can focus differently it was a change.
The universe is not forever and it will end. Check my chart of the life of the universe.
THE YEAR 2024 CHANGING MANY THINGS WITH THE JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE (JWST) the largest telescope in space with high-resolution and high-sensitivity which uses for infrared astronomy.
The year 2025 will have bigger surprises to rock the souls of humans of the wrong direction. They will find that the string theory is to focus on to the answer not their math and look to the change is at the outside edge.
The Neutral Energy Field - The Ripple Effect for Producing Universe(s):
The Theory of Theories
Based on that there is something before our Universe was started by a power {God lives in} and where heaven is located.
The Creation of the Universe by God by change of per-existing source using growth (and not by a bang or major force outward).
This is now simple it is. Details may not be so.
Remember that we are moving in many ways, spinning, orbiting around the Sun, moving in part of the Galaxy in a part of a group of Galaxies. So a red shift and blue shift may be for other reasons, because of our point of view.
The Universe was developed from nothingness. There was nothing of the Universe before the beginning, but there is something beyond.
The Universe was developed from pure energy that I call Neutral Energy. This Pure Energy was in a state of flux and was disturbed, changing it into non-pure energy with a charge.
All this was the power of God.
This force of change moves outward in all directions called the Ripple-Effect {named for its motion and direction}. In time this newly formed Energy creates other types of Energy that causing the heat to start the Universe.
The second major change is how Density went from uniform state to the extremes. This process of density change was started a cooling process that leads to subatomic particles and space.
From this point when Matter is first formed, that is subatomic particles and elements, the old theories and the new theory becomes one and the same.
Home Page this page shows a chart
Welcome - Introduction
Over View _ Periods & Stages
Period A - The Normal State
Period B - Great Change
Period C - Particles Period
Period D - Universe Structure
Period E - Last Period
The Whole Thing - Author
Copyrights - other things
How we viewed the Universe
To pass by this section of heavy terms push the button below.
To the next section "Welcome to My site: The Theory of the Universe for all time"
All this information of terms relating the creations of energy and matter.
Reference used was Wikipedia
Look up at Wikipedia or other reference to go more deep.
The next section is "Welcome to My Site: The Theory of the Universe of all Time"
The Universe was developed from nothingness. There was nothing of the Universe before the beginning, but there is something beyond. The beginning did start from a point like that of the old theory. This point was not a Big Bang, but a little quiet change. The Universe was developed from pure energy that I call Neutral Energy. This Pure Energy was in a state of flux and was disturbed, changing it into non-pure energy with a charge. This force of change moves outward in all directions called the ripple-effect {named for its motion and direction}. In time this newly formed Energy creates other types of Energy that causing the heat to start the Universe. The second major change is how density went from uniform state to the extremes. This process of density change was started a cooling process that leads to subatomic particles and space. From this point when matter is first formed, that is subatomic particles and elements, the old theories and the new theory becomes one and the same.
Three times the Universe changed with the help of some special equipment and people.
The First, when Galileo Galilei took an instrument developed by Dutch lens makers that magnified objects and pointed it to the moon. He develop his telescope from 3x to 30x magnification. His vision of the heavens was physical evidence for certain scientist that the heavens and Earth are one system of Earth like object in motion. He was the first one to see the moon was made up to rock and had sunrises and sunsets by the shadows of the mountains.
The Second, was Apollo 11’s lunar module called the Eagle landed on the moon July 1969 with Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin first step out on the surface and left instruments that measured things on the moon and the distance between the Earth and moon. Mainly their walked on an object other Earth.
The Third, was the Hubble Space Telescope the first space telescope in 1990 was able to over come the problems of Earth telescopes: light from human [city lights] and the sun [daylight]; atmosphere [turbulence], clouds and other weather effects. Now one travels beyond the Earth’s orbit Chandra to study Black Holes [yes, they suck] but also vent at two location outwards some type of radiation and/or energy.
"Scientists at the world's biggest atom smasher hailed the discovery of "the missing cornerstone of physics" Wednesday, cheering the apparent end of a decades-long quest for a new subatomic particle called the Higgs boson, or "God particle," which could help explain why all matter has mass and crack open a new realm of subatomic science." ............"The Higgs, which until now had been purely theoretical, is regarded as key to understanding why matter has mass, which combines with gravity to give all objects weight."
07/04/2012 By JOHN HEILPRIN | Associated PressIn
In early 2016, my priest was on vacation and the priest filling in talked about a Belgian priest who started the "Big Bang Theory":
"Georges Lemaître: Discovered the Expansion of the Universe" November 15, 2011 by Mark Egdall DECODED ={Science...}
February 25, 2016: New discoveries: "Besides the hint of sterile neutrinos, the Daya Bay results reveal a second strange feature — an excess of electron antineutrinos (compared with theoretical predictions) at an energy of around 5 million electron volts. That could be a sign of completely new physics awaiting discovery (or simply that scientists don’t have a detailed enough grasp of the output of nuclear reactors). A revised understanding of that feature might even do away with the need for a lightweight sterile neutrino to explain the overall deficit in electron antineutrinos."
"Reactor data hint at existence of fourth neutrino" BY RON COWEN https:www.sciencenews.org
This is the step to how energy changes to matter {has size and mass} which reacts with gravity. This new level for discovering of the sub-atombic level we can understand new types of energy and particles. These new types of energy and particles {really very old stuff, only new to that we just finding out about them}, only lived for a short time to incorporate into energy and particles that we know of in our current time of the universe.
Special Notices
September 05,2018
From Newsweek:
Darkenergy: Mystery Force Driving Expansion of Universe Might Not Exist After All
Professor Subir, a particle physicist at U.K.'s University of Oxford states that as we gather more evidence about the universe and its expansion, the case for dark energy gets weaker and weaker.
He states that expansion rates appear to differ across the universe. {This concept was proposed in the 1990s}
Most of the measurements used to support dark energy were taken from supernovae within the same bit of the universe. When you look outside this region, the statistical significance drops.
"It's a bit like being in a car, and recording other cars accelerating away from you," Sarkar explains. "Well, maybe they're not accelerating--maybe you're decelerating. The point is, we're not ideal observers. We are moving relative to other objects in the universe, and that biases our measurements."
In my view the Universe is not expanding but growing at the edges by the change of what I call Neutral Energy Field into energy and matter of our Universe.
The main rule of the Universe is opposites.
The opposites is an outgrowth at the beginning where everything was a whole.
Everything comes from Energy.
This Energy is a pure and existed before time and the Universe.
The point of reference.
The center of the Universe of the Big Bang Theory is really the edge of the Universe.
That God {some certain type of ruling power is involved} to start the process and set the laws that control the Universe. At the same time, evolution is real and changes occurs do to time and growth. Once the process starts, everything has its own influence to some degree of its power on everything else. That means that choice is real but limited to the degree of cost {energy, motion, forces, etc.} to change from the normal {the path of least resistance}.
That Heat and Space are created during the process of change, while the cooling is a product of the creation of space. The main driving force is attraction of matter to create larger objects leaving behind larger areas of space {void}. The creations of large body objects creates more gravity to pull more matter & energy inwards to special objects called Black Holes. All this relates to the factor called density that changed from uniform to small clusters {high density} compare to the vast areas of space {voids - with little to no matter}.
Density is created by the cooling of energy and matter {cooling - because of the growing space} being attracted to each other because of lack of kinetic energy to stay apart.
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