{Energy Period}
{2} The Imbalance Stage The Neutral Field undergoes a special type of change. Due to some type of imbalance that interrupts the natural state of flux the packets of energy in the charged state cannot return back to the neutral state.
{3a} Creation of the Ripple Effect The Neutral Field undergoes a chain reaction. The imbalances create a chain reaction of the surrounding Neutral energy that starts to form a sphere of ball of charged energy packets. The Universe is born. On the outside of this new creation the reaction continues on an ever going process {dominoes effect].
{3b} ProtoUniverse State The newly formed charged energy packets are gathering. A core develops were the newly formed charged energy packets starts to create larger forms of energy packets. A layer around this core is a freshly formed charged energy packets just created by a thin ribbon layer here the ripple effect occurs.
{Energy Period} {2} The Imbalance Stage The Neutral Field undergoes a special type of change.
Due to some type of imbalance that interrupts the natural state of flux the packets of energy in the charged state cannot return back to the neutral state.
This means the only force left to over come to the packers of different charges from going back i the force of harmony. So a complete disharmony needs to be created. The only way this would happen is that the flux condition must move to the next step in change so that it can not return back without major added energy in favor of converting back to the natural state of neutral.
The energy that was made by the flux is still pure energy like the field except for the following:
In the state of the flux mode no forces or environment changes that would favor a creation of an Universe. Something must occur to start one of the forces of a Universe, an environment condition like creating space, or an energy type that would start on the appearance of matter, that is gaining mass. How is matter made from energy? A lot of energy of all types come together to form matter that has mass and some of this energy like electrons has mass.
The trick here is the flux mode must stay long enough before returning back to the natural state. Lets look at this like storms here on Earth.
It is hard to use this term time in the Neutral Energy Field for time does not exit for I see no way to account if and when the field was formed or will stop happening. Here to replace time with expanse. Some where along the expanse a large flux would occur. The period length could be beyond mind and the period that our Universe has travel since it birth. This vast pocket of newly formed packets during the flu would have problems to return back to the neutral natural state all at once. The edges a would start first like cooking a large roast. The last would be the core where things can happen for the amount of expanse is the greatest.
With all those packets of charge energy the forces of attraction and repulsion would occur. Since at this stage there is no space or voids they would be rubbing each other. Like the packets they come from there is no real shape or boundaries for each packet and they have forces that string them together. The power of the new force of opposite { + & -} and alike { + & + or - & - } charges would start to ripe at these strings with an additional force from the rubbing would:
Once all these new forces and environment is in place the packets can start to merge together to form large, stronger, and new types of energy. These packets in the flux would not have the strength we see in today’s Universe of electrons and protons, since these were form from other sub-atomic particles and energy since the formation of the Universe.
These new forms in three types Positive, Negative, and Neutral {with both the Positive and Negative of the the new energies combined.} There will be more than one type of each depending on how they are formed. For some a change energy packet would combine with a neutral type to have many energy packets inside this new form one with an odd number. This odd number is because there will be one more charge packets of type than the other charge energy packets. {Note: This type of different charge sub unit can be found today when quarks come together creating Protons and Neutrons.} This seem true currently, but we need one other type of combination to occur. This would be something that only can occur before the forces of the Universe are created. Conditions are needed to take charges [same type] and have to combine to form a new energy type {to create a denser and properties of structure}. How can this happen? Well at this time there is no space form alike charges to repeal from each other. Only this packet would be pushed into another like charge of energy as they repeal from another like charge [no where to escape]. With the new force, later on will produce heat because of the constant motion you would have enough energy {heat} to united like charged energy. This united charge energy packets would be come the first step towards a charged energy particle.
With newly formed energy, especial the large, and higher charged packet the flux would not be able to return to the Neutral State of the Field/ Thus, an imbalance has occur. The harmony force is to weak to overcome these newly form larger energy packets of charge. The Universe now can start for the conditions have changed and the building block {charged energy packets - with high level of kinetic energy} of the Universe has been created. For the people who believe in the bible, this is where the passage states that God spoke {the disharmony - or vibration} the vast nothingness and said “let there be light”. Light is know as energy and that energy can make matter [mass - particles].
The change has occurred, but does this make a Universe from a few packers of energy? The only answer is more of the same, but must have a larger growth rate of change rate.
The Neutral Field undergoes a special type of change.
{Energy Period}
{3a} Creation of the Ripple Effect The Neutral Field undergoes a chain reaction.
The imbalances create a chain reaction of the surrounding Neutral energy that starts to form a sphere of ball of charged energy packets.
The hardest part is over, the formation of new energy that has three types of charges. But ahead is the hardest work. To create a true Universe, two thing must be developed at the same time: particles {matter} and space {void}, while the change of Neutral Energy Field is continuously being changed into the new energy to fuel the new Universe {growing - by feeding on the outer edge}. Oh, I hear a cry that this system will not be able to create the heat for the large sub-atomic and atomic particles of the future. Hold on, you will have this answer and find that this model has a method beyond the “Big Bang Theory” with out going to those all those many dimensions {20+ or so}. The process of super-heating is a very simple process that can explain the Universe movements better without bending it out of shape and other things. What keeps the outer edge continuing changing the Neutral Energy Field into new Universe?
First, lets focus on how the process of creating the Universe an ongoing process. At the edge of the Universe that is connected to the Neutral Energy Field will be the focus where the change occurs. the energy of the layer next to the field is creating enough energy to pace the fields Neutral Energy into a flux and enough energy left over to change the new formed half packets of opposite charge to the next step of energy as described in stage 2. For the heat type of energy, from these packets of the new energy of larger size, is formed from their movement {Friction - thus heat - thermal energy is born through kinetic energy [motion] }. This heat type of energy is very important to keep the Neutral Energy on the edges of the Universe changing in the step by step process into the energy particle types that can form into matter at the sub-atomic level {remember: This energy has form, size, & charge type while leaving a small piece of void behind}. Once started this process is ongoing and becomes a chain reaction on the edge of the Universe.
One the outside edge of this new creation the reaction continues on an ever going process {dominoes effect}.
[Unless conditions change???]
The Neutral Field undergoes a chain reaction.
{Energy Period}
{3b} ProtoUniverse State The newly formed charged energy packets are gathering.
A core develops were the newly formed charged energy packets starts to create larger forms of energy packets.
Now the edge is moving outwards into the Neutral Energy Field leaving behind a newly created energy which now can be called the core zone. The whole core is made up of the new formed half packets of different charges. With this core the first step is the creation of the next step of energy packets of larger energy Packets of all types. All this was described in Stage 3A. This core at this stage would start to sub divide into two layers. The center layer would be the newly convert larger energy packets. The outer layer which is next to the Neutral Energy Field is form the newly transform energy from the field.
This layers are not a product of movement of the Energy Packets, but of time and age of development. In the future, these layers will always be there just at the edge of the Universe. At this time it makes up the whole core.
At this stage of development we start to see the layers or core parts being defined. no forces of the Universe has been developed, yet {that is the famous four}. No energy, no Sub-atomic particles, or particle have been develop. The only true thing of the Universe is in place is time has been started. The energy of creation is being developed and add to the Universe.
A layer around this core is a freshly formed charge energy packets just created by a thin ribbon layer where the ripple effect occurs. This starts the layering system with the oldest at the center and the outer just changing form the Natural Energy Field.
The newly formed charged energy packets are gathering.
The next period would be the development of particles:
Period C. The universe is set in motion that can not be, but to develop.
This section to view the happening of developing the sub-atomic particles.
Back to the start of the Universe and over view - click the chart.
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