{7} Decay Stage
Most of the energy is tied up in the heavier elements and compounds, and very little is left for fusion reaction.
Every Fission is the normal with limited fusion reaction of rare superstars near giant Black Holes in the core of the Universe. The thin ribbon layer and layers near it has become so large near and vast dense newly formed energy and matter.
{8} Implosion Stage
The normal forces of gravity and other forces in the core of the Universe cannot handle the vast empties.
The outside layer could make a move towards the vastness of the core center with certain forces {like that of gravity} of the Black Holes needing to consume more materials. Everything could change back into Neutral Energy due to the heat energy and gravitational forces produce by the Black Holes.
Fission is the normal during this stage with limited fusion reaction of rare superstars near giant Black Holes in the core of the Universe.
At the edge of Universe where the normal has been going on since the beginning of time, the only difference is the amount. The area is still as narrow as the first layer was developed, but the area is extremely larger. The Black Holes are number and look for more fuel {stars, & galaxies]. The creation of the Universe must come from a perfect system where that an imbalance occurs to start the Universe that is imperfect.
At first the ripple effect at the edge of Universe is like a crest of a wave pressing against the Neutral Energy Field. Since the Universe is imperfect the change at tis crest may not be of uniform speed and direction creating on a two dimensional view {a slice look - like that of a special x-ray} a non circle or elliptical shape. This condition would allow for imperfection such as rate of change or lack of change at certain location on the edge of the Universe. One area could lag behind the rest of the wave of the ripple and creating a type of indent or cove. In time this indent or cove could be enclosed by the edge portion of both sides. This encasement would cause a pocket of non change. This non change pocket contains the original Neutral Energy that surrounded by the new Universe and some how escapes the pressure and heat to change. The New found Universe would in time increase the number of these pockets of Neutral Energy as it goes through the different stages of develop and remain unaffected until this stage. Some inaction could have started as early as the third stage. The main impact would occur during this stage.
As the core and the center part of the Universe matures, the main content becomes a void or space with the temperature very close to absolute Zero. This vast emptiness could create problems in the Universe structure as time passes by, with most matter found in the ever growing Super Galaxies Clusters. Remember the first stars gather the lighter elements, that is because those atoms were the only ones on the scene. these stars than give birth to newer and heavier elements. I see towards the end that most of the lighter elements are part of planetary system, and no the star. The stars would use up the elements that can fuse together, thus would be nearly end of fusion reaction. Only type of star could develop and this would be a new type, if any. This would be some type of object or star like object could break down larger elements and compound with a radiation of particles. All the mass could only found specialized large groups distant from the others. In these group two things comes in major power: Black Holes and with their great mass Gravity.
The Black Hole - Comes into major player
In this state of super heavy gravity the forces at play could create a state of change that takes a percent of heavier matter and changes it into pure energy or break it down back to sub-atomic particles. What pure energy? Oh, may be Neutral Energy or the simple energies of the Universe {electromagnetic} would develop at the end product. This sounds like that of a Black Hole with super gravitational forces that captures matter and energies.
This material of matter and energy with the forces so extreme that pressure and temperature would be created that at could convert into Neutral Energy and/or energies and matter of the first stages. This could add to the small makeup of the pockets of Neutral Energy. With all this type of activities would limit or stop the develop of new galaxies. Only the older galaxies with limited new stars would be going around with its Black Hole looking for others to consume.
Black holes would develop from stage 6 - Main Universe Stage, and be come more numerous in the last stages. {This in our nature would be like cancer in the last stage with many different cancer cells taking over the body.} Just maybe what we know as the term Dark Matter could in fact be those pockets of Neutral Energy. In this theory that is called Dark Matter [matter that does not give off radiation] I see occurs in a small amount that is star materials and solar system matter. The “Big Bang people” says there are great amounts in order explain how their theory works when the numbers do not balance. There are areas in space that is said complete void of matter and energy that develops particles called pp-particles. This could be pockets of Neutral Energy that may slowly developing into the first stages of the Universe surround by the core that is shutting down or decaying. With the Black Holes activities at their max and running out of supplies for intake is main reason for the Universe be able for an implosion process.
Most of the energy is tied up in heavy element and compounds, and very little is left for fusion reaction.
The outside layer could make a move toward the vastness of the core center with certain force drawn it in from the black Holes needing to consume more material. Because of their size by this time would not limit the gravitational force due the concentration of their mass in such a small space that distance is no longer factor. The outer edge continues to expand the outer boundaries at a rate that would be unbelievable because of the large surface area. Even through this layer is every thin but the growth out every second would be feeding the early stages to develop sub-atomic particles based on one second more than it took the first thousands to millions year when the Universe first began. The core section [remember: that is about 90 percent plus] during this time has developed a vast empty areas between the consuming cluster galaxies systems would also be void of less influence of major forces. This could and would attracted the outer layers into this void of the core. If this happens the outer-boundary would be pulled inward towards the core.
With state of development the ripple moving outward would be slowed down, stopped and/or change direction into itself. A perfect setup for a collapse of the outward growth and even a decrease that pull the Universe to a small state. In this outmost layer with the loss of energy could not the ripple effect and the mass of this layer could take the next larger step and revert back into Neutral Energy. I believe that this would happen, but needs some process at the end to change matter back to Neutral Energy. This would be those pockets of Neutral Energy that I mention earlier. Let’s re-visit the Black Holes: a state that they develop because of these pockets of Neutral Energy. The vortex around these pockets are created by the hugh supply of heavier elements and compounds. In this zone of heavier and denser matter with the absence of much energy new force could develop or change the rules favoring a very heavy force of gravity that would be greater than fusion force in stars. This left over would not have enough matter and energy in the right portions to maintain that we would call a Universe.
The outside Neutral Energy Field would be sucked inward {remember: that this field has no forces} and those pockets of Neutral Energy would be expanding. This process would be called Implosion, with the decay and weak forces to stop it from happening. Could you call it a reverse Big Bang or the least Big Suck that was started by the Black Holes. No, I like to call it Implosion, it is a nicer word. {remember: the Universe started quietly and would end quietly}
The Final death of the Universe would be complete.
Everything could return to where at started Neutral Energy.
The normal forces of gravity and other forces in the core of the Universe cannot handle the vast empties.
Only the older galaxies with limited new stars would be going around with its Black Hole looking for others to consume.
For a long time that include when this theory was started Black Holes only did intake as view by scientist at the time. When I wrote the first version of this theory I did not believe in this view.
I believed that Black Holes took in and in some way change matter to sub-atomic or energy and released in someway that we did not see.
See picture here, now all can see that Black Holes Vent at two location 180 degrees from each other.
The Whole Thing is a written summary of the whole cycle of the Universe.
The other part is about the Author and builder of this site and theory.
You can see a little about myself {Author} by clicking on the Picture. I like this picture I got from GoDaddy files show what I like in being outdoors, feeling nature, enjoying nature, and study nature. For nature treats each person the same and how you do in nature is how you are educated and trained.
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That is the end of the Universe, but another Universe may have developed in the The Neutral Energy Field.
That sounds nice, but our bodies can not travel through nothing.
Here is a chance to review the chart again and be placed in a section {page} to jump to any period and stage to view again.
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You can see a little about myself {Author} by clicking on the Picture. I like this picture I got from GoDaddy files show what I like in being outdoors, feeling nature, enjoying nature, and study nature. For nature treats each person the same and how you do in nature is how you are educated and trained.
Temporary place for later
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